「エキゾ舞踏会の不思議の国の紅茶」 Wonderland
TEA in the MASQUERADE / Exotic Ball. November, 2013.
Wonderland TEA with 1994 Ovation U.S.A. Special
Edition D868-X2 (Cherry Red Burst) Craftsman
Limited Custom Double-Neck 6/12 (Reverse Type)
「エキゾ舞踏会の不思議の国の紅茶」 Wonderland
TEA in the MASQUERADE / Exotic Ball. November, 2013.
「エキゾ舞踏会の不思議の国の紅茶」 Wonderland
TEA in the MASQUERADE / Exotic Ball. November, 2013.
「エキゾ舞踏会の不思議の国の紅茶」 Wonderland TEA in the MASQUERADE / Exotic Ball. November, 2013.
Wonderland TEA with 1994 Ovation D868-X2
(Cherry Red Burst) Craftsman Limited Custom
Double-Neck 6/12 (Reverse Type).
「エキゾ舞踏会の不思議の国の紅茶」 Wonderland
TEA in the MASQUERADE / Exotic Ball. November, 2013.
「エキゾ舞踏会の不思議の国の紅茶」 Wonderland
TEA in the MASQUERADE / Exotic Ball. November, 2013.
Special Thanks
Photographer / shohko TAKIMOTO.